Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis.
If you're looking for a best priced and best budget hotel in Rishikesh for stay, Reveries is a best hotel in Rishikesh City. You will be able to enjoy the wonderful view of Ramjhula, Laxman Jhula and Janki Setu from the premises. We understand that you work better when you are more relaxed, so here are some of the amenities we offer to enhance your stay: Reveries have a various facilities which are specially designed for guests.
Reveries is equipped with all modern amenities & a vegetarian dining facilities in wonderful scenic location amidst nature, to make your stay comfortable, memorable & relaxing. The Reveries offers you all the amenities that make it one of the best hotels in Rishikesh, such as its rooms that redefine your expectations as a Corporate, a leisure traveler or as a Guest for Family Weddings.